Podopieczny: Ilona Mazurkiewicz-Walorska
Data dodania: Niedziela , 22.12.2024
Bank Spółdzielczy in Raszków, branch in Ostrów Wielkopolski
The number of the sub-account of "Hope" Foundation for Road accident victims
for donations towards treatment and rehabilitation of Ilona Mazurkiewicz (aged 41) :
31 8430 0009 0005 1347 0184 4030
On June 7 2007 at night, Ilona, a pedestrian, was knocked down by a car. Due to general critical condition resulting from numerous injuries, Ilona was hospitalised in an intensive care. When her condition stabilised she underwent many operations. As a result of medical help Ilona's neurological condition improved, however, she still suffers from paresis to the left side of her body and from psychoorganic symptoms. That is why an intensive and long rehabilitation is required. Unfortunately, Ilona, who is single and homeless, was released from the hospital only to be transported to a hospice and then to a day centre where she remains until this day. Moreover, since she has no money there is no hope for her to come back to an independent life.
The donations are tax-deductible!
See below for latest regulations:
- donations - legal regulations
- 1% of the tax ATTENTION: New regulations