
Artur Krzemień

Podopieczny: Artur Krzemień

Data dodania: Niedziela , 22.12.2024

Bank Spółdzielczy in Raszków, branch in Ostrów Wielkopolski
The number of the sub-account of "Hope" Foundation for Road Accident Victims
for donations towards treatment and rehabilitation of Artur Krzemień (aged 33) :

96 8430 0009 0005 1347 0017 6400

On June 11 2005 Artur was injured in a car accident. Until this day he has been in coma as a result of severe injuries affecting many organs. Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) declined to grant him a disability benefit since his period of work had been too short. Very costly treatment and rehabilitation is a heavy burden for his wife who does not earn much and has to take care of a 3-year-old daughter.

The donations are tax-deductible!

See below for latest regulations:
- donations - legal regulations
- 1% of the tax ATTENTION: New regulations

Powrót do listy podopiecznych


Konto bankowe Fundacji:

25 8430 0009 0005
1347 0168 2730

Jestemy organizacj poytku publicznego
numer KRS: 0000198280

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