
Sylwia Szpica

Podopieczny: Sylwia Szpica

Data dodania: Niedziela , 22.12.2024

Bank Spółdzielczy in Raszków, branch in Ostrów Wielkopolski

The number of the sub-account of "Hope" Foundation for Road Accident Victims

for donations towards treatment and rehabilitation of Sylwia Szpica :


34 8430 0009 0005 1347 0017 5576



Sylvia, aged 22, was a victim of a road accident in 1997, when she was still a child. The accident caused by a drunk driver left her completely paralysed. While her condition is gradually improving, constant and intensive rehabilitation is still required. Sylvia\'s family experiences financial problems and cannot afford treatment.


The donations are tax-deductible!


See below for latest regulations:

- donations - legal regulations

- 1% of the tax ATTENTION: New regulations       


Powrót do listy podopiecznych


Konto bankowe Fundacji:

25 8430 0009 0005
1347 0168 2730

Jestemy organizacj poytku publicznego
numer KRS: 0000198280

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